The speaker after yesterday's breakfast meeting at Daresbury yesterday was Dr. Eddie Kirby, Charity and Support Manager of the Manufacturing Institute in Manchester. Manchester was been chosen as the first city in the UK to host a Fab Lab, a community inventors' workshop where new products can be built by both businesses and individuals.
"What are FabLabs when they're at home?" I hear you say. According to FabLab's website
"What are FabLabs when they're at home?" I hear you say. According to FabLab's website
"A Fab Lab (fabrication laboratory) is a fully kitted fabrication workshop which gives everyone in the community from small children through to entrepreneurs and businesses, the capability to turn their ideas and concepts into reality.The aim is to make almost anything."
The concept was devised by Prof Neil Gershenfeld of a MIT and here is a clip from him on his: visit to Manchester:
There are FabLabs around the world and the plan is to open 15 more in Great Britain and Ireland. I shall be writing rather more about them in my Inventors Club blog presently.
Returning to Daresbury, did you know that Mrs Rebekah Brooks, the former CEO of News International lived there?Neither did I. Thank you Wikipedia.