Manchester wants Dennehey as Comptroller

What Manchester does today the rest of the world does tomorrow. Well Manchester, allegedly the second city of the United Kingdom but in fact its intellectual, industrial, cultural, social and sporting powerhouse wants Sean Dennehey to be made permanent Comptroller of the Intellectual Property Office.

And it's not just Manchester that thinks so. The news that Sean had the interim job came this morning from Blackpool lass Barbara Cookson who is now in exile in the Smoke, poor thing. Barbara is a highly respected patent and trade mark agent and IP solicitor.

So if you If you agree that Sean should be made permanent:
  • read my article in IP/IT Update;
  • lobby Lammy the Minister for IP as well as your MP reminding him or her that an election is looming
  • support IP Northwest's campaign for Sean to be made permanent on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing and every other social networking site using the #sean4comptroller hashtag.
