Today the first NIPC clinic outside Yorkshire opened at Bennett Brooks' offices in Bromborough in the Wirral. For the time being it will meet between 14:00 and 16:00 on the last Monday of every month which is just before the Liverpool Inventors' Club meets at Central Library.
Typical questions that are asked at clinics include:
"I have an idea for a new business. I know I cannot get a patent for it because it is essentially a method of doing business but can you suggest any way of protecting my idea?"I would like to know whether my product is likely to infringe this patent. My patent attorney says it is OK but I should like your view too.""Can you suggest terms and conditions for my new e-commerce site?"“This seems to be an infringing copy of my work. What do you think?"
We hope to follow the Wirral clinic with clinics in Daresbury and Liverpool city centre. I have been offered help with the clinics by Michael Swift, forensic accountant and mediator of Bennett Brooks, trade mark attorney Philip Cooper of Crossguard and solicitors Joanne Shelley of Hillyer McKeown and Michael Sandys of QualitySolicitors Jackson & Canter..