Here are some events at which I am speaking that some of you may wish to attend:
19 Nov 2008 Barnsley Digital Media Centre "Women in Enterprise" I am giving a talk on IP, Trade marks and copyrights at 10:00 and offering pro bono advice on IP, media and technology law between 11:00 and 13:00
I shall also be chairing a meeting of the Leeds Inventors Club at Leeds Central Library between 18:00 and 20:00.
24 Nov 2008
I shall be speaking to Liverpool Inventors Club on "How the coming Economic Downturn will affect Inventors and what they an do about it" between 17:00 and 19:00 at Central Library William George Street.Liverpool.
5 Feb 2009 I shall be speaking and chairing a seminar on software patents in the UK and US and the consequences for the industry following Symian and Bilski with speakers from patent agents WP Thompson and hopefully the Intellect, IP Office, Kirwans and the NCC at Martins Buildings, Water Street Liverpool from 14:00 until 17:00 (2 1/2 hours CPD points from the SRA). (Cost £75 + VAT)
11 Feb 2009 I shall be chairing and speaking at a workshop on branding law with patent attorney Janet Bray at the Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre Halifax between 14:00 to 17:00 (2 1/2 hours CPD points from the SRA) Cost £50 + VAT.
23 April 2009 Brass from Gumption all day celebration of World IP Day with seminar, clinics, exhibition and much more at Gumption Centre Bradford.
If anybody has any other IP events in the North that he or she wishes to promote please let me know. I shall post it on the IP North West or IP Yorkshire calendar as the case may require.
Finally, I need to correct an error in the November IP North- West and IP Yorkshire newsletters which were mailed today. I indicated that we already had BSB accreditation for our courses on 5 and 11 Feb 2009. That was based on a misinterpretation of a statement on the BSB's website that seemed to suggest that all barristers' chambers and bar associations qualified automatically as CPD providers. I have checked with the BSB who point out that the courses would also have to be approved by them in advance. We are confident that we would get their approval but we would have to pay them £45 for each course. As we want to keep overheads low we shall only pay that fee if another barrister gives us at least 14 days notice that he or she wants to attend one of those courses. If any barrister or indeed anybody is disappointed, please accept my apologies.